Veterinary Health Care
Why does it cost so much to provide veterinary care for my pet?
The fees you pay for veterinary services take into consideration a number of factors, including the costs to compensate your veterinarian and veterinary team for their professional services and the…
What is a veterinary technician?
A veterinary technician is trained to assist veterinarians in many ways while caring for pets. These professionals perform many of the same tasks that a nurse would for a doctor.…
I’ve seen a lot of information about supplements and nutraceuticals. How do I know what my pet needs?
Supplements, and nutraceuticals in particular, are becoming very popular with pet owners. We can help you weed out confusing and conflicting information and advise you on any supplements your pet…
Which pet food should I feed my dog/cat?
The answer is different for each pet, although many commercially available foods are fine to feed healthy dogs and cats. You can look for a nutritional adequacy statement from the…
What toys/accessories are appropriate for my pet?
We can recommend toys based on your pet’s age, breed, needs, and interests. A common safe chew toy for dogs is the flat rawhides (Not the ones with the balled…
My pet needs to have surgery. Should I be worried about the anesthesia?
Modern anesthesia is generally quite safe. Most veterinary hospitals perform a physical examination and run blood tests before all procedures requiring general anesthesia to make sure your pet doesn’t have…
Will microchipping hurt my pet?
Not any more than a regular vaccine injection, despite the needle being quite large. It is often quite well tolerated by our patients and issues are incredibly rare. The chip…
Why does my dog/cat need to have a blood test before starting heartworm medication?
Your pet should be tested for heartworm infection before he or she is placed on a preventive to avoid any harmful or possibly fatal complications. For instance, if a heartworm-infected…
Can I get health insurance for my pet? If so, what’s covered?
Several companies offer health insurance for dogs and cats (and other pets). These plans have premiums and deductibles, just like human health insurance plans. The premiums and deductibles vary based…
Why do some veterinary hospitals charge such different prices for the same procedure(s)?
Each veterinary hospital sets its own fees. These fees are largely based on expenses, such as salaries, utilities, and rent, that all vary from one area to another. However, the…